Noireee @ DOUBT

Spoken words -Doubt


I know how you feel, trust me, it's like you're stuck in the middle of two worlds. Two realities tug at you, fighting daily for your attention. Each of them desperately hunting you, they want nothing but to be yours. Yet, they can't co-exist. You're alive to one and dead to the other. Only one of them can prevail, only one can be yours. Each day you see only vaguely the battle that goes on inside of you, you know little of the consequence it has on you.

You're hungry for more because you were created for so much more, but still, you would rather be sheltered than try; you would rather be comfortable than listen to your heart. "Each stone must be set before you venture down the path you were born to walk", you think. You want it desperately, that future you see at night, the possibilities that haunt you in your dreams yet you're stuck unable to make a move and so each day ends with a "What-if". A thousand questions of the future you could have had, plague your mind however you always find a way to silence them.

Each day you play it safe, living your perfectly scripted life, staying as far as possible from the caution lines. Dying each day to satisfy everybody’s expectations but you never meet yours. Hoping that the man you look up to would give you his approval, still, you do not have yours. You have resolved to wait out your whole life, playing it safe, singing the "one-day" anthem, and lulling yourself to bed each night with wishes.

Doubt has become your master caging you in the safety of your own thoughts. Now, your cell has become your favorite place. You find solace in your confinement. However, every heartbeat betrays you, and yet, you find a perfectly logical excuse each night to put your dreams back to sleep. Your desire for fulfillment, you satiate with nothing but lies. We both can see behind the facade, and unfortunately, your heart won't be tricked.  You said tomorrow, and now, tomorrow has become yesterday. This cycle goes on and on.

"How much of a risk is a risk?", you ask. You think you would be risking a lot by chasing your dreams, but you'll soon realize what is at stake when you don't. When you've journeyed through life and you've seen all there is to see and felt all there is to feel, then you will know that you didn't truly live. For all you did was be an excellent slave of the master you chose. "Doubt!"

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  1. EmmAnuel says:

    I Really like this

    1. noir3ee says:

      Awww, thanks a bunch

  2. Joshua says:

    Undoubtedly a great

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