noireee- dance
God and I Poems


The sound of music drifting softly in the wind, each note with a life of its own narrating a story that only those with ears hear. The simple suggestion that there might be more, a deeper reality than that which you've walked; storytelling at it's finest, the whispers of spirit to spirit. Your feet do wander, trying to grasp the meaning buried within each note.

It's beyond the lyrics; it is what lurks behind that entices your feet on this journey you've found. The beauty of a tale etched in notes, an open secret that only a few discover.

Dance! It's the only way you know how to translate such energy, raw and true, into something your body can comprehend. It's beyond your mind. It takes the whole of you. One foot and then the other, trusting only what you feel.

Dance! There's no room for restraint the deeper you go. Your image slowly fades away as you become one with the sound and the waves. The very heart of the narrator you illustrate, like a brush up on a canvas.

Dance! It's all about trust. Cause once you're drawn in, you have to believe that the next beat will play right as it was designed to.

Dance! It's beyond you now! You've expressed the tale of another through your own heart! You've come to be

Dance! Cause until you let yourself go! You cannot become!

So dance!



Dance - Noireee

Dancing means a lot to me!

First of all, it's an act of telling a story by becoming, just like acting. It's less about you and more about what the songwriter was trying to portray.

A few years ago, I decided to take dance classes, and just like any other sport, dancing requires time and discipline. There are principles that govern different types of dances, mostly known as the basics. Once you master the basics, every other routine becomes a lot easier to learn. But from what I learned, it's not just about mastering steps. It's about owning it and making it yours. You go beyond the point of just moving your body to a place of expressing yourself through it.

The first time I had to dance with a partner, it threw me off guard. I realized it was less about me and more about us. Honestly, it shouldn't have been that hard, because rather than counting the steps and beats in my head, all I had to do was follow my partner's lead. It's about trust and sensitivity; learning to consider another, learning how another communicates (it could be the flex of a finger or, simply the direction his body weight shifts to). I also had to make adjustments so I wouldn't step on his toes or throw him off balance, lol. Although I had to know my steps, the dance depended more on my ability to trust my partner to lead me.

We danced together. It wasn't my dance or his, but ours!
The story was told by our becoming!


The best dance Ever!!!

I believe our dance with God is the same, God is the songwriter, and he wants to express His music of love through us. But like I earlier said, dancing is about becoming. Dancing is about getting to a place where you no longer need to count the 1,2,3; but where you can express the heart of a song through your being! It takes trust, and it takes letting go of self. We get to the point where we learn the basics of God's love, and then we grow from there. We experience His love so much, that it becomes ours. Our dance with God is simply a response to his call

It becomes a part of us! And even though we've learned what we can to do, we wait on Him to lead; because it's no longer about us. It's out our becoming one with Him. And guess what? You also get to enjoy yourself!

I hope we all learn to dance with God and create beautiful stories for generations to come!


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